Today's world has many stressors in it which can often trigger anger and anger responses. Often times relationships can have conflict which can contribute to feeling angry at times. Losing a job or missing a promotion at work can cause one to feel angry. So, how do you manage anger? There are two major points to anger which are how do you manage it when you have it and how do you prevent yourself from getting angry in the first place when it is not appropriate to feel angry. When something truly is worthy of anger the first thing to do is to notice yourself starting to feel an increase in tension in the body and escalting emotions. At this point, you need to do something!!! Pause what you are doing and excuse yourself from the situation and go somewhere quiet to calm yourself down. If you are talking to someone, tell them you need a break and will be back in 30 minutes when you are more calm to discuss the matter. While alone, do some deep breathing and take a break and maybe even go for a quick walk. If there are situations where the average person would not get angry, then if you notice yourself getting angry in these situations, then possibly try to change your thinking so that you don't get angry in the first place. Notice the thoughts you are having about the issue or trigger and try to ask yourself if these thoughts are irrational or not. If they are irrational, reframe them into thoughts more realistic and positive. The next step is to internalize these thoughts so that you really believe them. With a different way of thinking, next time you won't get angry in that same situation. Anger management is often times thought of as a way to modulate your emotions. Anger is a normal human emotion but anger is not always appropriate and when it is appropriate, it still needs to be managed. Think before you act.
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